Health benefits of resistance training
There are many physical and mental health benefits that can be achieved through resistance training including:
improved muscle strength and tone – helping protect your joints from injury
weight management, increased muscle-to-fat ratio – as you gain muscle, your body burns more calories when at rest
improve / maintain flexibility and balance, which can help you remain independent as you age
improved posture
decreased risk of injury
prevention and control of chronic conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, back pain, depression, obesity and diabetes
increased bone strength / density and may reduce risk of osteoporosis
may help reduce or prevent cognitive decline in older people
management of pain
improved sense of wellbeing – resistance training may boost your self-confidence, improve your body image and your mood
increased self-esteem
greater stamina – as you grow stronger, you won’t tire as easily
enhanced performance of everyday tasks.
a better night’s sleep and reduced insomnia
There are many types of resistance exercises suitable for all ages and all fitness levels using a wide variety of equipment including Free Weights (dumbbells/barbells), Resistance Machines, Resistance Bands, Medicine Balls and even Body Weight to name a few.
So if you want to look better, feel better, improve any chronic conditions and live a longer healthier life, incorporate resistance training into your current training programme.
If you’re a newbie to resistance training please consult one of our qualified personal trainers or join one of our resistance/strength training classes or our 'Train Proper' course.
For anyone with any health issues you must always consult your GP before participation and use a specialist personal trainer for training advice and programmes to suit your needs.